

Dragon's Dogma 2 update on the way to fix some known issues

Just don't expect the chugging framerate in towns to disappear.

Written by Jason Venter
Published Apr. 19, 2024

Today, Capcom posted on the Dragon's Dogma 2 account on X to let the game's fans know that an update is planned and will launch as soon as it is ready for the various impacted platforms. The response from the community has been positive in general, with one exception: many folks are dismayed that general performance issues remain unaddressed.

To hear people talk, Dragon's Dogma 2 is virtually unplayable because its framerate isn't consistent. This seems to be a recurring complaint with virtually every major game released in a post-2015 world. At some point, players got the idea that they can't live with 60 FPS. In the case of Dragon's Dogma 2, however, some of those complaints are warranted. You can be running a powerful PC that exceeds the system recommendations and still see drops below the expected 60 FPS. In some towns, such as Vernworth, it's not uncommon for the game to drop to a level that's difficult to miss even if you don't typically notice such things.

Angry players are blaming everything from the DRM to poor optimization, to Capcom's understandable desire to release one of its biggest games ahead of the fiscal year's end. But while the update won't do anything to appease FPS diehards, it will at least fix the various other issues that more obviously impact actual gameplay for everyone. Here's the list Capcom shared in its X post:



- Reducing the infection frequency of dragonsplague and adjusting the infection signs to be more visible
- Adding an option to zoom in on Pawn/Arisen faces in the status screen, shops, etc.
- Implementing various minimap fixes and adjustments
- Removing map symbols for treasure chests that have been acquired
- Fixed an issue where players sometimes couldn't high-five Pawns
- Fixed an issue where Pawns wouldn't guide after offering to do so
- Pawns are less likely to fall off cliffs
- Reducing the frequency of some Pawn dialogue lines
- Improving Pawns lines to better match circumstances
- Fixing some issues where Pawns stop speaking outside of combat
- Making Pawns more likely to aid the Arisen if the 'Help' command is used when being held
- Reduced the frequency of Pawns asking to be hired by the player
- Fixed some issues where Escort quests would fail in some circumstances
- Fixing issues where players get jailed for fighting monsters in town
- Misc crash & bug fixes

The first item on the list is the "dragonsplague." After spending a lot of time with the game, you may notice your characters suffer from this ailment, which is supposed to be a feature and not a bug. It makes them less responsive and apparently causes other issues, to help make the master/pawn relationship more tense. The pawns mention the condition basically any time you visit the rift. From what I can tell, this affects you only when you recruit pawns from that dimension. None of my pawns were ever impacted because I worked almost exclusively with the ones who hailed me on the road.

Some of the other updates seem more impactful. Treasure chests you've already opened will stop appearing on the map, which is big news. Maybe the pawns will even stop talking about them constantly? Pawns will stop talking about other things, too, and in other cases may have more to say instead of falling silent the minute you actually want them to share their wisdom. Those are good fixes, if properly implemented. I'm also excited that escort missions will stop failing for apparently random reasons.

In general, the promised updates will make the game better. Hopefully, Capcom will follow those updates with some improvements to performance, though it's important to remember that a lot of people experiencing the worst of the game's performance are probably running it on computers that have no business attempting to make it work. Right now, the Steam page contains a warning that "Framerate might drop in graphics-intensive scenes." That's not changing anytime soon.

Jason Venter
Jason Venter (Managing Editor)

Jason Venter has been writing about games since he discovered the medium as a small child, but people didn't start paying him until around 2002. He began by writing online at HonestGamers, the site he founded, and spent a few years writing for Hardcore Gamer Magazine. Since then, he has freelanced for leading outlets such as IGN, GameSpot, Polygon, and numerous others. When he's not playing and writing about video games, he spends what little time is left writing and publishing fantasy novels.

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