Physical and digital loot approacheth.
Written by Jason Venter
Published Apr. 17, 2024
Homeworld 3 is approaching release on May 13, and today Gearbox Publishing took a moment to update anxious fans on plans for post-release content. The roadmap provided includes dates stretching all the way into 2025, when a third piece of paid DLC is due to arrive.
You can see the roadmap above, and you'll note that some of the dates are a bit on the fluid side. June will see free content in the form of new challenges and artifacts, ahead of the first big DLC bundle. That bundle includes a new playable faction, new starting fleets, new artifacts and challenges, and an additional faction emblem.
The next month after that, there's another free content drop, and then more DLC comes along two months later. Sometime soon after, more free content will arrive, and then the schedule for 2025 is very loose. That's just as well, since it's fun for no one when content misses planned dates. The game itself has already done that once, so it's smart for the developers to avoid painting themselves into a corner.
Gearbox Publishing also outlined what is included with the Collector's Edition of the game, which fans may have missed hearing about. Apparently, it will include the above pile of loot.
That's not a bad haul. Some of that stuff should look pretty nice on your favorite shelf, and playing Old Maid with a deck of Homeworld 3 cards is something that (probably) hasn't been done just yet. It's always nice to break new ground, and this could be your chance. The Collector's Edition is offered by a number of leading retailers, including Target, Amazon, and even Gamestop.