

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth and its sequels hit Nintendo Switch this May

The time is right to get hyped for more fun with Nep and friends...

Written by Jason Venter
Published Apr. 26, 2024

The Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth trilogy is on its way to a new portable platform: the Nintnedo Switch. All three games arrive digitally on the platform on May 21, 2024, courtesy of Idea Factory.

Originally released on Vita and then ported to PC and elsewhere, the Re;Birth games offer an improved take on the original Hyperdimension Neptunia and its sequels that debuted on PlayStation 3. They are turn-based RPGs with lots of fan service and dialogue, and even some strategic combat.

The Hyperdimenion Neptunia games take place in Gamindustri, a fictional world based loosely on the video game industry itself. A lot of the heroes are modeled closely after hardware manufacturers, such as Sega, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. They worry about mundane matters such as shareholders and ROMs and piracy.

The central characters have appeared in quite a few games over the years, and have appeared on most major platforms. There is even an anime, which closely follows the first two games or so in the series. Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution, due later this year, will continue telling stories set in that world.

If you've always meant to get around to trying the series, the release of these Switch versions feels like a natural time to take the plunge. My experience in the past has been that the games get a bit repetitive if you try to fly through their fairly expansive campaigns in a rush, but they seem like they would be quite enjoyable played in smaller chunks or on the go.

Jason Venter
Jason Venter (Managing Editor)

Jason Venter has been writing about games since he discovered the medium as a small child, but people didn't start paying him until around 2002. He began by writing online at HonestGamers, the site he founded, and spent a few years writing for Hardcore Gamer Magazine. Since then, he has freelanced for leading outlets such as IGN, GameSpot, Polygon, and numerous others. When he's not playing and writing about video games, he spends what little time is left writing and publishing fantasy novels.

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